About me

Greetings from Zhang Fu (family name in front),张辅 in chinese hanzi, or you may call me Jerry. 👋 I explore and research in the field of human-computer interactions with multidisciplinary experiences in computer science, electronic engineering and software engineering. I graduated from King's College London with a first BEng and a distinction MSc degree. Followed by a software engineer career at Huawei. I am currently employed in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a research assistant.

Research Interests

  • design icon

    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) In Medcine

    1. - Rehabilitation & Treatments
    2. - Treatment Adherence
    3. - Diease Diagnose
    4. - Serious Games
    5. - Medical Robotics & Hardware

  • Web development icon

    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Mental Health

    1. - Psychoeducation
    2. - Treatment
    3. - Serious Games

  • Web development icon


    1. - Software Based Solution
    2. - Robotics For Accessibility


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    This website is now online!



  1. Research Assistant

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Aug 2024 — Present

  2. Software Engineer

    Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    Dec 2021 — May 2023


  1. M.Sc Advanced Computing

    King's College London

    2020 — 2021

    Master of Scence in Adcanced Computing with distinction.

  2. BEng Electronic and Information Engineering

    King's College London

    2017 — 2020

    Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Information Engineering with first class honours.
